What We Do
- Property Transfers
- Mortgage Bond Registrations
- Mortgage Bond Cancellations
- Assisted and Easy Sales for Banks
- Deceased Transfers
- Sectional Title Developments
- Cluster Developments
- Sub-Divisions
- Township Establishment
- Consolidations
- Administration of Estates
- Last Will and Testaments
- Trusts
- Ante- Nuptial Contracts
- Authentication of Documents
- Notarial Bonds
- Notarial Deeds
- Servitudes
- Magistrates Court Litigation
- High Court Litigation
- Divorces
- Family Law
- Evictions
- Debt Collections
- Sale of Property Contracts
- Instalments Sale Agreements
- Commercial Contracts
- Leases Agreements
- Commercial Leases
- Sale of Business Agreements
- Sale of Shares Agreements
- Sale of Member’s Interest
- Shareholders Agreements
- Associations Agreements
- Partnership Agreements
- Corporate Liquidations
- Sequestration

“We are also bond registration panel attorneys for all major financial institutions”.

We are proudly on 5 of 6 major bank panels.

We are able to attend to Mortgage Bond Registrations and Mortgage Bond Cancellations.